How to Get a Good Memory

M. Chris Wolf, Ph.D.

How to get a good memory is in the news. Even the most organized and collected individuals have found themselves drawing a blank at some point or another when called upon to recite a key piece of information.

Fortunately, learning how to get a good memory is not that difficult. The information found in this handpicked selection of useful tips is sure to serve you well by helping you to strengthen and enhance your ability to recall information.

If you are having difficulties remembering things, make certain that you get a good night of sleep. When you are tired, it makes all functions of the brain decline, to some degree. It is important to be well rested to maintain the highest level of brain functioning. Remember to sleep in a quiet and dark environment, for optimal rest.

If you want to improve your memory, avoid cramming. Last minute memorization can help you remember things, but the benefits are usually only short term. Try to learn new information gradually. Skills and information learned over time are more likely to stick with you. Cramming usually means you'll forget it as quickly as you learned it.

Spend more time on the information you are having trouble remembering. Go over what you need to remember a couple of times and see what was easy to remember for you. Pay more attention to what seems difficult. Rephrase this content in a way that makes it easy to remember.

A great tip for improving your memory is to use mnemonic devices. This is a great way to memorize because it is a well proven way to store memories and recall with ease. Using a mnemonic device is a procedure where you associate something you are trying to remember, with an item that is familiar to you.

In order to remember where you put things, it is a good idea to organize your possessions. By having similar items put together, you do not have to worry about scrambling around, looking for things. Also, you can try labeling boxes or storage containers, writing down what is in each box. This is sensible, whether you have a good memory or not.

To improve your memory, try to focus your attention on something by removing anything that can distract you from the task at hand. When you spend time to focus, the item of focus moves from short-term memory to long-term memory. Distraction adversely affects focus, and that results in poor memory.

If you are wanting to remember something new, say it! Any new material that you want to remember should be read aloud. When you read words out loud, you form a memory pathway through two of your senses, sight and hearing. This is an an example of brain plasticity. This gives two paths of retrieval when you want to recall this information at a future date.

As stated in the beginning of this article, Alzheimer's is an incurable disease that effects the memory of seniors. Occasional forgetfulness is very normal, while forgetting all the time may be something more serious. Apply the tips from this article to help you determine if it is normal memory loss, or something more.

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