Memory Loss Facts Staff
You might have heard of Mnemonics and how they can help you
improve your memory.
Memory methods aren't difficult or tiresome activities; in fact, it's
as if there's no pressure when doing the actual memorization because
of how simple and pleasant the steps can be. An example of a
mnemonic method is the Loci System.
A good scenario when the loci system can be effectively used is
when a person has several items or a list needed for immediate
remembering. The first important thing to remember when using the
loci method is the familiarization of a place and the correct order
of locations of the chosen place. It could be the dining room,
bedroom or kitchen at home or a favorite route in the park. It
doesn't matter where, as long as the location can be easily
recalled accurately by the doer.
Let's say, the specific locations are the parking lot, pond, willow
tree and the benches in the park. So, let's pretend the items are
umbrella, dog food, cell phone and picnic basket. To associate the
items, visualize strongly hundreds of open umbrellas falling down
on the parking lot as you find a space where you could park.
Next,as you pass by the pond, you pick up the usual dog food to feed
the fish followed by the big willow tree bearing cell phones for fruits
and lastly, as you sat by the benches, a picnic basket approaches
and sells you what is inside it. Each time you visit the park or
any other place you're strongly familiar with; you can immediately
associate the specific locations with any items you need to remember.
When using this method, it's better to imagine objects in familiar
places in bizarre or amusing ways because it helps a lot in
retaining information.
There are many memory improvement techniques that can help you
improve your ability to recall important information. Whether it involves
daily activities school work or work related tasks, improving your
memory is possible by using methods you can easily learn.
Click below to learn more about the Loci System and other memory
improvement techniques:
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